Episode 2 - Behind the Design - Youtube Series Maison J & J.
So, you loved your home once upon time, but as the years have gone on and your family has grown, your needs have changed and evolved. Now you may find yourself thinking, is my home worth renovating?
In episode 2 of Behind the Design we share some tips to help you answer that question. We unpack everything that we, as interior designers, would consider when helping our clients decide if their home is worth renovating or if it’s time to sell up!
1. Location, location, location !
One of the first things you’ll want to factor into your decision about whether to renovate is to see how much you like the current location of your home. Do you like your neighbourhood, city, or town? How near or far is it to your work, your kids’ schools, or every-day amenities?
If you love your location, then it may be worth renovating your home to better suit your needs in the existing location you love.
2. Lot size
Lot size is another thing you can’t change about your home, but it can greatly impact your renovation plans. Does your home fit the lot size? It your lot big enough? Do you have enough privacy?
As designers, we work with properties of all shapes and sizes and always take into account a home’s property when planning any renovations. We want to make sure to make the best use of space both inside and outside.
3. Character
Though your home may no longer suit your lifestyle, perhaps you still love its charm, and overall character. Some key features that are generally harder to change are architectural or structural details such as tall ceilings, or the amount of natural light coming into the space.
If these are characteristics that already exist in your home, and are important to you, then you may feel more inclined to stay and renovate.
1. List what works and what doesn’t work!
At this stage, you’re probably familiar with what isn’t working for you in your home, but we always encourage clients to make a list of pros and cons. This will help you to clearly see and understand what is and isn’t working for the space. This simple exercise may reveal some facts about your home that you previously hadn’t through about and could bear weight in your decision.
2. Write a wish list!
It also helps to write down everything you wish to have in your dream home. Write the number of rooms and bathrooms you’d like to have, what are all the different functions you’d like your home to serve, what you’d like it to look and feel like.
Writing your wish list will prepare you for our next step…
Clients often think the best time to reach out to an interior designer is when they are just about to start or have nearly completed a renovation or new build, but in fact we’d love to hear from you even sooner! Include us in this early stage of deciding whether to renovate and we will be able to offer valuable advice and insight.
We can be hired for a consultation to visit your home, review your wish list, and discuss your options. It’s our job to uncover the hidden potential in your home, and we can also provide some rough ideas of how much a renovation might cost, ultimately giving you a more informed decision on whether your home is worth renovating!